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發表於 2023-12-14 12:34:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
We are in a hurry to explain! Changing search engine algorithms Google constantly improves and updates its algorithms to provide users with the most relevant search results. One of the factors that robots pay attention to is the freshness of the content. Websites that are frequently updated have a greater chance of ranking in the TOP and are perceived as valuable to the user. Increasing user engagement Current content attracts users' attention and interest.

When a visitor finds interesting information on your website he spends more time on it comes back and is more willing to interact e.g. by leaving comments or sharing content. Search engines interpret these behaviors as a sign that your site is photo retouching valuable which can positively impact its visibility in search results. Authority in the industry It's not only about publishing content regularly but also about making it substantive and valuable. By providing timely information you gain a reputation as an expert.

Faster indexation larger crawl budget Websites that are alive are more frequently visited by search engine robots. This results in faster indexation and consequently visibility in search results. Meeting the expectations of potential customers Regularly providing fresh content increases the chance that visitors will find what they need on your website. Reaching audiences at various stages of the purchasing journey can translate into both increased visibility and conversions. Responding to current events and trends Publishing information about current events and trends increases will visit your website more often.


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