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Other technical aspects that are essential









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發表於 2023-12-17 15:34:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
By slow loading will be reduced and this will also contribute significantly to obtaining the desired results from the SEO point of view. At the same time I want to mention the fact that Google has updated its search engine algorithms. By introducing Core Web Vitals Google highlighted the importance of site loading speed and technical performance optimization. Find out what is Core Web Vitals and how the technical performance of your website affects the.

Results you will get.  for website optimization site optimization Email Marketing List for mobile devices  it is recommended to use a responsive design. optimizing the performance of the hosting server and solving errors of type  or  for many sites these are responsible for the loss of a considerable number of potential clients. a Also from the Technical OnPage SEO point of view the website pages must have a title and a unique.

Metadescription that targets the relevant keywords that potential customers are looking for in Google. Find out all the information you need about keywords by reading our article on what are keywords and what are the types of keywords in SEO . Site optimization  conversions and visitor experience on the site Website conversion rate optimization covers everything you do to offer potential customers a better browsing and interaction experience.


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